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- Here is a letter written by William Preston Johnston
Louisville, Ky. Jan. 9, 1867.Hon. John T. Monroe, Mayor of New Orleans, La.My dear Sir:Although not officially apprised of the arrangements for the removal of my father, Gen. Albert Sidney Johnston, from New Orleans to Texas, yet I had seen in the public prints that Jan. 15th was the day fixed for that purpose, and moved by a sentiment which you can appreciate to join in this last tribute of respect to his memory, I had determined to be in New Orleans at that time. Severe indisposition with indications of pneumonia and bronchitis compel me in deference to the advice of my physicians to forego this mournful duty, and I write to apprise you of this fact that my absence may in no wise be misconstrued.I desire also on my own behalf, and in the name of the family and friends of my father to return you our heart felt thanks for the pious care which through these weary years you afforded to his mortal body the rites of sepulture while on its pilgrimage to its final resting place in the State he loved so well. It has been a consolation that the friendly hands of compatriots were permitted to deck his tomb and that his ashes reposed among the sacred remains of your family.Permit me to say that the offices to the dead which you and your family and your city have rendered in that spirit of brotherhood and love will ever be grateful ly remembered and form a link which years will not break nor weaken.I am, my dear sir, very truly and respectfully your friend and servant,(Signed) Wm. Preston Johnston.The capture of New Orleans in April 1862 by Captain David Fattagut and General Benjamin Butler brought the name of mayor Monroe before the whole country and the people of the then confederate States and the United States; and soon, it overspread to British journalism and into British Parliament.There being no longer any doubt as to the approach of the federal fleet, on the morning of April 25th, Mayor Monroe, determined to hoist the flag of the State of Louisiana over the City Hall. At his request, his private secretary, Mr. Marion A. Baker, descended to the roof of the building and prepared to execute the mayors orders, with the instructions to await the issue of the possible conflict at Chalmette, where the last of the city's defence lines were established. .Suddenly quick flashes from the dark sides of the approaching Federal steamers recorded the fact that they were abreast the redoubts, but their fire was delivered without check to their speed and soon they were dark and silent once more.The report "It is allower" was sent to Mayor Monroe, who stood in the street below and at a signal from him, the flag was swiftly run up to the masthead and floated in the breeze. This flag was known as the "Lone Star Flag" and had been adopted in 1861 by the State Convention of Louisiana. It had thirteen stripes, four blue, six white and three red, commencing at the top, with the colours as written. The union was red, with its sides equal to the width of seven stripes. In its centre was a single pale-yellow five-pointed star.At one-thirty that afternoon, two officers of the 'United States Navy called on Mayor Monroe, who received them courteously and presented them to the Honourable Pierre Soule, members of the Council and of the committee of Public Safety. Captain Theodosius Bailey, second in command of the Federal fleet, stated that be came as the bearer of a demand from Flag-officer Farragut, for the surrender of the city, the lowering of the State flag on the City Hall, and the hoisting of the United States flag over the post office, custom house and the mint. This interview was in the form of an informal, open conference between Captain Bailey and the Mayor, Mr. Soule and the other gentIemen, whose connections with public affairs gave them the right to engage in it.Mayor Monroe stated that be had no authority to surrender the city and that General Mansfield LovelI was the proper official to receive and to reply to that demand. In regard to lowering the State flag, an unqualified refusal was returned. Mr. Monroe then sent for General LovelI and while awaiting his arrival, conversation went on. Captain Bailey expressed regret at the wanton destruction of property, which he had witnessed and which he regarded as a most unfortunate mistake. To this, Mayor Monroe replied that the property was our own and that we had a right to do as we pleased with it, and that it was done as a patriotic duty.When General LovelI arrived, Captain Bailey repeated his demand, with the statement that his mission was to the Mayor and Council. General LovelI also refused to surrender the city or his forces and stated that he would retire with his troops and leave the decision to the civil authorities. The question of surrender being thus referred back to him, the Mayor said he would submit the matter to the Council and that a formal reply would be sent as soon as their advice could be obtained. The Federal officers then withdrew, with an escort furnished by General LovelI.The Council met at 6:30 that evening and received a message from Mr. Monroe. As civil magistrate, he held that he was incompetent to the performance of a military act. "We yield to physical force alone", said the Mayor, "and maintain our allegiance to the Government of the Confederate States. Beyond a due respect for our dignity, our rights and the flag of our country, does not, I think permit us to go."The Council, unwilling to act hastily, simply listened to the reading of this message and adjourned until 10:00 A. M. the next day. That evening, Mayor Monroe requested Mr. Baker and Mr. McClelland, Chief of Police, to go to the Hartford, as early as possible the next morning and explain to Captain Farragut that the Council would meet that morning and a written answer to his demand would be sent as soon as possible after the meeting.It was quite early when they returned from their mission and Mr. Baker states "the levee appeared deserted, and though we saw no one we were seen." At eight o'clock, they went to the Mayor's office to make their report and while there, Mr. Soule entered, accompanied by his son and with much excitement, stated that two persons, traitors no doubt, had that very morning been seen to leave one of the eneroy's ships and land on the levee. He urged arrest and punishment of the guilty persons, which the Mayor blandly promised, while the guilty ones silently enjoyed the little Joke.The Council met at the appointed hour and listened to a second reading of the Mayor's message, both the Council and the population of the city concurred in the sentiments expressed by Mr. Monroe and urged that he be respectfully requested to act in the spirit manifested in his message. Anticipating such a result, a letter had already been prepared, reiterating the determination neither to lower the State flag nor to raise the United States flag. The Mayors secretary read this letter to the assembled Council and from expressions by some of the members, it seemed to be satisfactory, but shortly after Mr. Baker left, a message was brought to Mayor Monroe, asking his presence in the Council Chamber .The object of this summons was to obtain his consent to the substitution of a letter written by Mr. Soule and read by one of the members of the Council. As relations between the Mayor and the Council had not been of a most harmonious character and wishing to conciliate them at this unfortunate time, Mr. Monroe acceded to their wishes; but before a copy of this letter could be made and sent to Captain Farragut, two officers, Lieutenant Albert Kautz and Midshipman John H. Read were at the City Hall with a written demand for the "unqualified surrender of the city, and the raising of the United States flag over the Mint, Custom-house and City Hall, by noon that day, Saturday, April 26th and the removal of all other emblems but that of the United States, from all public buildings." Mr. Monroe acknowledged receipt of this last communication and promised a reply before two o'clock, if possible. In the meantime a large and excited crowd had gathered outside the City Hall. Mayor Monroe, fearing for the safety of the two Federal officers, had had the heavy doors of the City Hall closed and ordered a carriage to be statiolled at the corner of Carondelet and Lafayette streets; escorted by two special officers and Mr. Baker, the Federal officers were conducted to a rear entrance and to the waiting carriage, while Mr. Monroe occupied the crowd in the front. As the carriage drove away, some of the crowd started up St. Charles street with the expectation of heading it off. The driver was ordered to whip up his horses and to turn into Julia street and then drive post-haste to the river. The pursuers were armed, but the carriage went by so rapidly that they had no opportunity to fire and the party reached their ship without violence.The police force being inadequate for the preservation of order, Mayor Monroe called upon the European Brigade for assistance. This organization was made up of foreign residents and commanded by General Paul Juge, J r. General Juge then issued a proclamation, by order of his Honour John T. Monroe, asking for the aid of all good citizens in the preservation of order. The Mayor was thus constituted commander-in-chief of army and of the civic forces. The City Hall became sort of military head-quarters. Requisitions were issued for arms, horses, provisions for the home brigade and orders for transportation for Confederate troops en route from outlying fortifications to General Lovells headquarters at Camp Moore. Martial law reigned, and Mr. Monroe improvised a military court, Mr. Soule being appointed Advocate.A communication received from Flag-officer Farragut, on Monday, stated that due to evidences of insubordination on the part of citizens and authorities, the fire of the fleet might be drawn on the city at any moment. "The election is with you," said Farragut, "and it is my duty to notify you to remove the women and children within forty-eight hours, if I have rightly understood your determination." Reading the message, Mr. Monroe said: "As I consider this a threat to bombard the city, and as it is a matter about which the notice should be clear and specific, I desire to know when the forty-eight hours began to run." "It begins from the time you receive this notice," Captain Bell replied.Then said Mayor Monroe, looking at his watch, "You see it is fifteen minutes past twelve", and renewed his refusal to lower the flag of Louisiana. "This satisfaction," he said, "you cannot obtain from our hands. We will stand your bombardment, unarmed, undefended, as we are."The forts surrendered and on April 29th, 1862, Captain Farragut dispatched a message in forming Mayor Monroe of his intention to take formal possession of the city and that he was about to raise the United States flag over the mint, customhouse and still insisted that the lowering of the flag over the City Hall should be the work of those who had raised it.Mayor Monroe at once issued a proclamation asking all citizens to retire to their homes during acts of authority which would be folly to resist and impressed upon them the consolation that the flag was not to be removed by their authority, but by those who had the power to exercise it.Captain Farragut sent a detachment of sailors and marines ashore. Protected by two howitzers, the Ianding party, after raising the flag over the customhouse, proceeded to Lafayette Square and the City Hall. The marines formed a line on the St. Charles street side of the Square near the railing then enclosing it, while the guns were drawn through the gates, into the middle of the street and placed so as to command the street either way.The silent, angry crowd formed a compact mass both above and below the Square, many openly displaying arms. The Federal forces being stationed, Captain Bell and Lieutenant Kautz entered the City Hall and the Mayor's parlour, Captain Bell told Mayor Monroe: "I have come in obedience to orders to haul down the Stat flag from this building," Mayor Monroe, with restrained emotion replied: "Very well, Sir, you can do it; but I wish to say that this is not in my entire constituency, so wretched a renegade as would be willing to exchange places with you," Captain Bell then asked that he might be shown to the roof, Mayor Monroe referred him to the janitor whom he would find outside, Fearing that some excited person in the crowd might commit some rash action and thereby bring disaster to the many assembled, the dauntless Mayor walked out into the street and placed himself in front of the cannon pointing down St, Charles street, Folding his arms, he fixed his eyes upon the gunner who stood, lanyard in hand, ready for action. There the Mayor remained, without once looking up or moving, until Lieutenant Kautz cut the halyards with his sword pulled down the flag and he and Captain Bell reappeared, At an order from the Federal officers, the sailors and marines retired as they had come, Mr, Monroe then turned towards the Hall and the people who had preserved the silence he had requested from them, broke into cheers for their heroic Mayor.The following day, Captain Farragut informed Mr, Monroe that there would be no further negotiations between them as General Benjamin Butler had arrived and would take charge. That same afternoon, two companies of Federal troops were placed around the City Hall and sentries posted at the doors, One of Butler's officers went in to invite Mayor Monroe to come to head-quarters. Mr, Monroe, as usual, maintaining his dignity, refused to go to the St. Charles Hotel, except as a prisoner, insisting that the City Hall was the proper place to transact city business but up on advice from the City Council, be decided to yield and taking the Chief of Police with him, went to the Hotel, General Butler told Mayor Monroe he had come to restore the state and city to the Union and asked his co-operation in the management of the city, but the Mayor was not in a co-operative mood, and was giving as he had written to Farragut, only that submission which the conqueror is able to extort from the conquered, He replied that be must be allowed to administer the city alone or give it up entirely.A conference was arranged in which the Mayor, the Council and Mr, Soule met with General Butler and his staff. General Butler then read his first proclamation as commander of New Orleans.The occupation of New Orleans was not to be a holiday for Butler and he soon found out he had a most difficult task. On May 16th, 1862 he issued his infamous Order No.28. As soon as it appeared, Mayor Monroe protested to General Butler in an impassioned letter. "I had not anticipated," he wrote, "a war against women and children, whose only offense had been to show displeasure at the occupation of an enemy. And to give license to your officers and soldiers to commit outrages such as are indicated in your order, is in my judgment a reproach to the civilization, not to say the Christianity of the age in whose name I make this protest."Summoned before Butler, the Mayor was told that the language of his letter could not be tolerated and if peace in the city could not be restored by him, he would be sent to Fort Jackson. Mr. Monroe replied his wish was to vindicate the honour of the virtuous women of the city. Butler stated that the order was not directed at such persons. Satisfied with this explanation, Mr. Monroe signed an apology for his letter, but the next day appeared at General Butler's office to withdraw his apology, but again, apparently satisfied by Butler's promise to publish the letter and apology with a statement from Butler that the order applied only to ladies who offered insult, Mr. Monroe left. Shortly after, Mr. Monroe asked for a second time to withdraw the apology and sent another letter similar to the first one. General Butler then called the Mayor and several others to his office and ordered the Mayor, Mr. Baker, his secretary, the Chief of Police and Judge Kennedy to be sent to Fort St. Philip. Mr. Monroe was later sent to Fort Pickens.Upon Mayor Monroe's imprisonment, Butler appointed Brigadier General George F. Shipley, Military Commandant of New Orleans.Refusing to take the oath of allegiance, Mr. Monroe was at one time consigned to solitary confinement and endured, until the summer of the succeeding year, all the rigors of prison life, and was for six months made to wear the ball and chain. While he was at Fort St. Philip, his young son was desperately ill and continually calling for his father. Mrs. Monroe, placing mother love before her southern pride, applied to General Butler for the release of her husband, in order that he could be at the bedside of his dying child. General Rutler sent word that if Mr. Monroe would take the oath of allegiance he might come to the city and see his dying child, but the offer was promptly and firmly declined and father and son never met again in life.The following year, Mr. Monroe was released and first went to Mobile and then to Richmond, where he was cordially received by President Davis. Later he fixed his residence in Mobile, where he was again taken prisoner by General Canby. After the close of the war Mr. Monroe was again arrested, with no reason given by the Provost Marshal for his extraordinary proceeding and kept under surveillance for several months.After the reorganization of Louisiana, Mr. Monroe was re-elected Mayor of New Orleans. He took his seat in March 1866, but in March 1867 was deposed by General Sheridan under the Reconstruction Act of Congress, under the pretext that he had aided in the riot of July 30th. In April Mr. Monroe visited Washington and was sympathetically received by President Johnston and Attorney-General Stanbury, who promised his restoration to office and the removal of General Sheridan, and there is no doubt that he would again have been seated but for the Reconstruction measures which overthrew the opinion of the Attorney General and started the sad dark days Louisiana endured for many years.Mr. Monroe then moved to Savannah, Ga., where he died in February 1871, when only 48 years of age. The rigors of imprisonment and the official vicissitudes had severely told upon him . . . he looked broken and old, while yet in the prime of life. In the Masonic order he had ascended the ladder to the highest rank and was buried in Savannah with distinguished Masonic honours. In 1872 his remains were brought to New Orleans, where they were placed in the family tomb in the Cypress Grove Cemetery, beside the body of his favourite son.Fortunately history records the heroic deeds of great men, for alas, the human mind and heart are forgetful and ungrateful. John T. Monroe sacrificed himself and gave his all for the adopted city be so dearly loved, yet the city of New Orleans has named neither a school nor a park to honour and perpetuate the memory of our Confederate Mayor of New Orleans, a city that was captured but NEVER SURRENDERED.From Wikipedia
Political careerFirst termThe 1860 campaign for mayor attracted little notice in New Orleans, as all attention was on the Presidential contest. There were three candidates; John T. Monroe, Alexander Grailhe, and Lucius W. Place. Monroe, the nominee of the Native American Party, represented the current administration. Grailhe, an independent, was essentially the anti-administration candidate, who he held responsible for the poor condition of the city. The newspapers of the time were filled with complaints about the stagnant gutters, the weeds that grew along the streets, and the air of general neglect. However, Monroe was elected with 37,027 votes. Grailhe received a much smaller number, and Place hardly any.There is a story about the Civil War that the white leadership of New Orleans was captured, but never surrendered.This is a letter written by William Preston Johnston:"The capture of New Orleans in April 1862 by Captain David Farragut and General Benjamin Butler brought the name of mayor Monroe before the whole country and the people of the then confederate States and the United States. It soon spread to British journalism and into British Parliament."At the approach of the federal fleet, on the morning of April 25, Mayor Monroe, determined to hoist the flag of the State of Louisiana over the City Hall. At his request, his private secretary, Mr. Marion A. Baker, descended to the roof of the building and prepared to execute the mayors orders, with the instructions to await the issue of the possible conflict at Chalmette."When he heard that the defenses had failed Monroe ordered the flag hoisted."Forthwith, two officers of the United States Navy presented Farragut's formal demand for the city's surrender and to lower their flag. Monroe stated that be had no authority to surrender the city and that General Mansfield Lovell was the proper official to receive and to reply to that demand. He refused to lower the flag."Monroe then sent for Lovell and while awaiting his arrival, conversation went on. Captain Bailey expressed regret at the wanton destruction of property, which he had witnessed and which he regarded as a most unfortunate mistake. To this, Monroe replied that the property was the Confederates' own and that they had a right to do as they pleased with it, and that it was done as a patriotic duty."Subsequently Lovell also refused to surrender the city or his forces and stated that he would retire with his troops and leave the decision to the civil authorities. The question of surrender being thus referred back to him, Monroe said he would submit the matter to the Council and that a formal reply would be sent as soon as their advice could be obtained. The Federal officers then withdrew, with an escort furnished by Lovell."Monroe sent a message to the Council who met at 6:30 that evening. As civil magistrate, he held that he was incompetent to the performance of a military act. 'We yield to physical force alone,' said the Mayor, 'and maintain our allegiance to the Government of the Confederate States. Beyond a due respect for our dignity, our rights and the flag of our country, does not, I think permit us to go.'"The Council, unwilling to act hastily, simply listened to the reading of this message and adjourned until 10:00 A. M. the next day. That evening, Monroe asked Baker and Police Chief McClelland, to go to the USS Hartford as early as possible the next morning and explain to Farragut that the Council would meet that morning and a written answer to his demand would be sent as soon as possible after the meeting."The Council met and listened to a second reading of the Mayor's message. Both the Council and the population of the city concurred in the sentiments expressed by Monroe and urged that he be act in the spirit manifested in his message. Anticipating such a result, a letter had already been prepared, reiterating the determination neither to lower the State flag nor to raise the United States flag. The Mayors secretary read this letter to the assembled Council and from expressions by some of the members, it seemed to be satisfactory, but shortly after Mr. Baker left, a message was brought to Mayor Monroe, asking his presence in the Council Chamber."The object of this summons was to obtain his consent to the substitution of a letter written by Soulé and read by one of the members of the Council. Relations between the Mayor and the Council had not been of a most harmonious character and wishing to conciliate them at this unfortunate time, Monroe acceded to their wishes."Before a copy of this letter could be made and sent to Farragut, two officers, Lieutenant Albert Kautz and Midshipman John H. Read were at the City Hall with a written demand for the 'unqualified surrender of the city, and the raising of the United States flag over the Mint, Custom-house and City Hall, by noon that day, Saturday, April 26 and the removal of all other emblems but that of the United States, from all public buildings.' Monroe acknowledged receipt of this last communication and promised a reply before two o'clock, if possible. In the meantime a large and excited crowd had gathered outside the City Hall. Monroe, fearing for the safety of the two Federal officers, had had the heavy doors of the City Hall closed and ordered a carriage to be stationed at the corner of Carondelet and Lafayette streets. Escorted by two special officers and Baker, the federal officers were conducted to a rear entrance and to the waiting carriage, while Monroe occupied the crowd in the front. As the carriage drove away, some of the crowd started up St. Charles street with the expectation of heading it off. The driver was ordered to whip up his horses and to turn into Julia street and then drive posthaste to the river. The pursuers were armed, but the carriage went by so rapidly that they had no opportunity to fire and the party reached their ship without violence."The police force being inadequate for the preservation of order, Monroe called upon the European Brigade for assistance. This organization was made up of foreign residents and commanded by General Paul Juge, Jr. Juge then issued a proclamation, by order of the mayor. asking for the aid of all good citizens in the preservation of order. The mayor was thus constituted commander-in-chief of army and of the civic forces. The City Hall became sort of military headquarters. Requisitions were issued for arms, horses, provisions for the home brigade and orders for transportation for Confederate troops en route from outlying fortifications to Lovells headquarters at Camp Moore. Martial law reigned, and Monroe improvised a military court, Soulé being appointed Advocate."A communication received from Farragut, on Monday, stated that due to evidences of insubordination on the part of citizens and authorities, the fire of the fleet might be drawn on the city at any moment. 'The election is with you,' said Farragut, 'and it is my duty to notify you to remove the women and children within forty-eight hours, if I have rightly understood your determination.' Reading the message, Mr. Monroe said: 'As I consider this a threat to bombard the city, and as it is a matter about which the notice should be clear and specific, I desire to know when the forty-eight hours began to run.'"'It begins from the time you receive this notice,' Captain Bell replied."The mayor, looking at his watch, noted 'You see it is fifteen minutes past twelve,' and renewed his refusal to lower the flag of Louisiana. 'This satisfaction,' he said, 'you cannot obtain from our hands. We will stand your bombardment, unarmed, undefended, as we are.'"The forts surrendered and on April 29, 1862, Farragut dispatched a message in forming Monroe of his intention to take formal possession of the city and that he was about to raise the United States flag over the mint, customhouse and still insisted that the lowering of the flag over the City Hall should be the work of those who had raised it."Monroe at once issued a proclamation asking all citizens to retire to their homes during acts of authority which would be folly to resist and impressed upon them the consolation that the flag was not to be removed by their authority, but by those who had the power to exercise it."Farragut sent a detachment of sailors and marines ashore. Protected by two howitzers, the landing party, raised the flag over the customhouse, proceeded to Lafayette Square and the City Hall. The marines formed a line on the St. Charles street side of the Square near the railing then enclosing it, while the guns were drawn through the gates, into the middle of the street and placed so as to command the street either way."The silent, angry crowd formed a compact mass both above and below the Square, many openly displaying arms. The Federal forces being stationed, Bell and Lieutenant Kautz entered the City Hall and the Mayor's office. Bell told Monroe: 'I have come in obedience to orders to haul down the State flag from this building,' Monroe replied: 'Very well, Sir, you can do it; but I wish to say that there is not in my entire constituency, so wretched a renegade as would be willing to exchange places with you.' Bell then asked that he might be shown to the roof. Monroe referred him to the janitor whom he would find outside."Fearing that some excited person in the crowd might commit some rash action and thereby bring disaster to the many assembled, the Mayor placed himself in front of the cannon pointing down St. Charles Street. Folding his arms, he fixed his eyes upon the gunner who stood, lanyard in hand, ready for action. There the Mayor remained, without once looking up or moving, until Kautz cut the halyards with his sword pulled down the flag and he and Bell reappeared. At an order from the Federal officers, the sailors and marines retired as they had come."The following day, Captain Farragut informed Mr. Monroe that there would be no further negotiations between them as General Benjamin Butler had arrived and would take charge. That same afternoon, two companies of Federal troops were placed around the City Hall and sentries posted at the doors. One of Butler's officers went in to invite Mayor Monroe to come to headquarters. Mr. Monroe, as usual, maintaining his dignity, refused to go to the St. Charles Hotel, except as a prisoner, insisting that the City Hall was the proper place to transact city business but up on advice from the City Council, be decided to yield and taking the Chief of Police with him, went to the Hotel. General Butler told Mayor Monroe he had come to restore the state and city to the Union and asked his co-operation in the management of the city, but the Mayor was not in a co-operative mood, and was giving as he had written to Farragut, only that submission which the conqueror is able to extort from the conquered. He replied that be must be allowed to administer the city alone or give it up entirely."A conference was arranged in which the Mayor, the Council and Mr, Soulé met with General Butler and his staff. General Butler then read his first proclamation as commander of New Orleans."On May 16, 1862, Butler issued his infamous Order No. 28. As soon as it appeared, Monroe protested to Butler in an impassioned letter. 'I had not anticipated,' he wrote, 'a war against women and children, whose only offense had been to show displeasure at the occupation of an enemy. And to give license to your officers and soldiers to commit outrages such as are indicated in your order, is in my judgment a reproach to the civilization, not to say the Christianity of the age in whose name I make this protest.'"Summoned before Butler, the mayor was told that the language of his letter could not be tolerated and if peace in the city could not be restored by him, he would be imprisoned in Fort Jackson. Monroe replied his wish was to vindicate the honor of the virtuous women of the city. Butler stated that the order was not directed at such persons. Satisfied with this explanation, Monroe signed an apology for his letter, but the next day appeared at Butler's office to withdraw his apology. Again, apparently satisfied by Butler's promise to publish the letter and apology with a statement from Butler that the order applied only to ladies who offered insult, Monroe left. Shortly after, Monroe asked for a second time to withdraw the apology and sent another letter similar to the first one. Butler then called the mayor and several others to his office and ordered the mayor, his secretary, the Chief of Police and Judge Kennedy to be sent to Fort St. Philip. Monroe was later sent to Fort Pickens."Suspended from officeUpon Monroe's imprisonment, Butler appointed Brigadier General George F. Shepley, Military Commandant of New Orleans.Refusing to take the oath of allegiance, Monroe was at one time consigned to solitary confinement and was for six months made to wear the ball and chain. While he was at Fort St. Philip, his young son fell terminally ill. Mrs. Monroe applied to Butler for the release of her husband, in order that he could be at the bedside of his dying child. Butler sent word that if Monroe would take the oath of allegiance he might come to the city and see his child, but the offer was declined and the child died without him.The following year, Monroe was released. He went to Mobile and then to Richmond, where he was received by President Davis. Later he fixed his residence in Mobile, where he was taken prisoner by General Edward Canby. After the close of the war Monroe was arrested a third time, with no reason given by the Provost Marshal for his extraordinary proceeding and kept under surveillance for several months.Second termAfter the reorganization of Louisiana, Monroe was reelected Mayor of New Orleans. He took office in March 1866. In March 1867, he was deposed by General Philip Sheridan under the Reconstruction Act of Congress, under the accusation that he had aided in the riot of July 30. In April Monroe visited Washington and was sympathetically received by President Johnston and Attorney-General Stanbury, who promised his restoration to office and the removal of Sheridan. However, this promise was thwarted by later and more vigorous Reconstruction efforts.RetirementMonroe moved to Savannah, where he died on February 24, 1871, at the age of 48. He had been a 33rd degree Mason, and was buried in Savannah with Masonic honors. In 1872 his remains were brought to New Orleans, where they were placed in the family tomb in the Cypress Grove Cemetery, beside the body of his favorite son.